This tutorial is on how to draw a Dove step by step for kids and beginners. Doves are considered a symbol of, peace, love, and innocence. Dove also represents a pacifist organization, used in arts. It is an important part of Christianity and Jewish cultural art.
A dove with an olive leaf in its beak is a symbol of joy and happiness in life. They are basically white but in a few regions found in grey color also and called pigeons. They have homing behavior it means that they return back to the place where raised.
If you want to draw your own Dove all you need is this tutorial, paper, pencil, and focus.
How to Draw Dove Step by Step
Step 1: Start by drawing 2 ovals, a small oval for the head and on the right side of the paper, and a big oval at 45 degree for the rest of the body. Mark a line for the outline of beak.
Step 2: Draw the bird’s body by attaching both ovals with curvy lines. Draw 2 lines for the outline of wings.
Step 3: From the online drawn for wing draw curve downward towards the body of the dove. Draw a triangular beak.
Step 4: Draw lines for the feather on the wings, and at the lower end of the body. Draw a smooth line for the branch of olive in the beak of the dove.
Step 5: Draw a similar line inside the wings, eyes, and legs of your bird.
Step 6: Draw a bunch of small curvy lines for a feather on the wings and tail also draw details for the branch and eyes.
Step 7: Draw lines on the wings and in tails in an angular way, draw leaves for olive.
Step 8: Contour the outlines and features of the dove, draw few clouds in the sky.
Step 1: Draw geometrical shapes 2 ovals and 3 triangles. Small oval for the head, big angular oval for the body. Draw triangle at the beginning of big oval, from the center, draw a little large triangle and then at the end of oval draw small triangle, refer image given below.
Step 2: In the small oval draw eyes f0r dove and a beak at the tip.
Step 3: Start drawing head moving towards the neck. Draw the neckline up to the outline of body.
Step 4: Draw wings following the triangle drawn in the middle. Start drawing a line in upward direction forming angular curves and then towards the body with small curves.
Step 5: Draw another wing on the triangle drawn on the beginning, it will project the right side of wings.
Step 6: Draw the lower body outline for the body. In this step draw the legs of the dove.
Step 7: Draw tail for the dove, start from one end, and again draw the pattern drawn for the feathers.
Step 8: Erase all outlines drawn in form of geometrical shapes. Draw a droplet near the eyes of the bird.
If you tried the same as shown in the above tutorials, thats good …! But you can try it with you imagination also. Always keep in mind to experiment with your observation, it’s key to be a perfect artist.
You can learn more animal drawings like that as:
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