In this drawing lesson, we will learn how to draw a camel. For kids, the camel is a strange animal with its very strange hump and funny head. It’s a domestic animal, in desserts people, pet them for different purposes. There are two types of camels with a hump and without a hump.
They are used for transportation, military mount, milk. They are kind of lazy and don’t walk very fast. They are very tall almost 6 feet. Thus in this tutorial, we will draw camel step by step, which will lead us to our amazing drawing.
How to Draw a Camel
Step 1: Start guideline for the body, make a hood in the middle portion.
Step 2: Add curvy lines for the neck of the camel.
Step 3: Draw the head shape on the neck with snout formation in front.
Step 4: Add a mark for nose and mouth near the snout, draw eyes and ear as well.
Step 5: By referring image below draw 2 legs attached to the body.
Step 6: Draw the right side of the leg of your camel and cute little tail.
Step 7: In the background draw the horizon for the sand and pyramids also.
Step 8: On the left draw the Sun and opposite to it a palm tree. At this step your drawing is complete.
Step 9: Color your camel drawing referring to the image below.
How to Draw a Cartoon Camel
Step 1: Draw 2 circles big and small for the head and stomach. Draw 4 lines for the leg from the big circle. Frame for your camel is ready.
Step 2: Draw a hump using egg shape above the body. Draw outline for the neck using 2 lines and jaws, same time draw eyes and ear.
Step 3: You need to draw features carefully, start withdrawing eye and ear. Draw big natural lips, make its muzzle curvy.
Step 4: After finishing muzzle, outline its mane for long hair.
Step 5: Following mane outline draw its hair towards the bottom body of the camel. Draw outline for the body.
Step 6: Draw the body shape with attention as its belly is sphere shape and fluffy with thighs close to the body. Draw mane hairs at hump also.
Step 7: While drawing the fur close the ends with help of zig-zag formation. Also, draw fur on thighs.
Step 8: Draw big joints below the mane of the legs and finish them properly.
Step 9: Draw furs at the hooves also and give finishing to the toes.
Step 10: Delete extra lines drawn for the outline of the body.
Here are some facts about camels which are very interesting to know:
- They are mostly found in east, west and central asia.
- They are domesticated for transportation, milk and meat.
- There average life is 40 to 50 years.
- Few camel have 2 humps.
- They can run up to 65km/h.
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