Hey my cute little munchkins, welcome back with a new tutorial on how to draw a bunny for kids and beginners. It may seem a little tough for you to draw, but believe me, it’s very simple and easy.
By following it you can draw your own cute cartoon rabbit simply by following this tutorial. You don’t require any extra supplies to draw it, which is explained in the image, just grab your paper, pen and start your drawing.
The given drawing is for all age groups whoever is willing to learn and practice it, try whichever you like the most.
How to draw a cute Bunny
Step 1: Draw a circle with an overlapping pear shape, the circle will work as the head, and the pear shape is the body of the rabbit. Draw the bottom part of pear shape little fatty
Step 2: In this step draw the guidelines of the head as you see in the image below, it will help you to draw facial features in the right place. Draw 2 intersecting cross lines, an oval nose on the intersecting point, and 2 eyes on both sides of the long line.
Step 3: Draw a big bulky cheek with 2 long ears on the top of the head, you can little differentiate with the shape of the ear.
Then draw the arms which are a little curved in the center, draw 2 similar types of parallel lines joining them on the top, follow the given image for reference.
Step 4: Use your pencil tenderly don’t over press on it, and then draw a curved leg that is flat at the bottom. Similarly, draw a small tail at the back or bulky part of the pear shape. Until this step, your cartoon rabbit is clearly visible.
Step 6: Draw a carrot in between the hands of the rabbit as also it is a favorite fruit of the animal. Add eyebrows and fingers to legs.
Step 7: Now it’s time to contour, erase all the mess, and outline drawing with a dark and thick pencil.
How to draw cute bunny face:
Step 1: Let’s start your drawing with the mouth, draw a title triangular circle at the bottom of the paper.
Step 2: From both sides of the circle draw 2 curved lines going in the upward direction as in the below image.
Step 3: Close the drawn shape with a downward curve and your head part is complete.
Step 3: Draw shoulders on both sides of the head in the downward direction. Draw 2 ears on the head with a leaf-like long sleek shape.
Step 4: Draw 2 lines from the outer line of the ear going inside on the nose of the animal, then draw 2 eyes on both sides.
Draw a small curve inside the small circle following by the straight line and the other 2 small curves on both sides.
Step 5: Darken the outline with bold and dark colors and a small fine parallel line all over the face.
Step 6: Then draw tiny small hair all around the mouth in a circular way.
Step 7: Then draw the hair pattern on all the faces following the below-given image also you can color the background to look it more attractive.
Step by step easy cute bunny drawing:
Drawing a cute bunny with the given easy step-by-step tutorial which is very easy to follow. Rabbit is one of the cutest animals which is well known for its cuteness, front, teeth, and notorious.
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