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How to Draw Clouds Step By Step – For Kids & Beginners

Hello kids…hope you all are doing well, we are here with a tutorial on how to draw clouds, for every kid and novice. I am always fascinated with clouds and likewise, many kids use to stare at clouds and imagine their shapes. Clouds are a compound form of many water droplets present in the earth’s atmosphere. Different types of clouds like stratus clouds, cirrus clouds, fluffy clouds are formed for many different reasons.

how to draw cloud

Clod and clud are the words that form the term cloud, which means hill.  This is mainly used for the rain clouds which are similar to mountains and forms on the low horizons. Have you ever noticed few times clouds resemble objects such as animals, toy, etc. In the night when star covers the sky is the most mesmerizing view.

This cloud drawing tutorial consists of many types of illustrations with the explanation. Once you will learn any of the forms it will become easy for you to draw others. If drawing will consist your observation with the other required tools it will turn into realistic clouds.

how to draw cloud

          how to draw cloud

How to draw simple clouds

Step 1: Draw the semi-circle to start your cloud drawing.

How to draw cloud

Step 2: On the right side draw another small curve.

How to draw cloud

Step 3: Draw an arc kind of curve on the left side of the first curve.

How to draw cloud

Step 4: Draw many curved lines from one end of the cloud leading towards the other end.

How to draw cloud

Step 5: Enclose the cloud continuing the curves till joining the other end.

How to draw cloud

Step 6: Inside this shape draw many small and big curves randomly or as depicted in the image below.

How to draw cloud

Step 7: Use the same technique and draw another cloud behind the first one.

How to draw cloud

Step 8: Draw few more series of clouds to look volumize.

How to draw cloud

Step 9: Color the cloud with light sky or grey color.

How to draw cloud


How to draw mushroom cloud:

The main reason behind the formation of the mushroom cloud is smoke. These are mushroom-shaped clouds formed due to the large amount of combustion or nuclear explosion. They are the result of the chemical reaction and different with the clouds responsible for rain.

Step 1: Draw a big flattened horizontal oval with a perpendicular line connecting with a horizontal straight line.

How to draw mushroom cloud

Step 2: Draw 2 curved lines on both sides of the straight line drawn vertically in the last step.

How to draw mushroom cloud

Step 3: Use oval outline as a guideline, around this draw wavy lines as we do for many tree drawings.

How to draw mushroom cloud

Step 4: Below the drawn shape draw another wavy lines to draw another closed shape.

How to draw mushroom cloud

Step 5: Do the same process at the base of the drawing. Now you have drawn 3 different layer of clouds.

How to draw mushroom cloud

Step 6: Inside these big draw ring draw few small rings using more curved lines as depicted below.

How to draw mushroom cloud

Step 7: Erase all the outlines and clear mushroom cloud drawing is ready.

How to draw mushroom cloud

How to draw mushroom cloud


How to draw Rain Cloud:

Step 1: Draw series of curved lines to draw cloud, I know it is now easy for you as you already did above.

Step 2: Below this cloud sraw small verticle lines as it is falling from cloud.

Step 3: Draw another series of lines in the same pattern.

Step 4: Draw random tear drop or water drops all around the vertical lines.

Step 5: No need to follow particular pattern, just draw randomly.

Step 6: Color your raining cloud with your choice or leave as it is.

How to draw raining cloud


how to draw cloud

how to draw cloud


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